Thursday, December 18, 2008

Sometimes we do not get the best families in the world but God says he knew us before we were born and he knows the plans he has for us. i have a poem that i read and loved. Here it goes.
God places the solidarity in families, comforting words from the bible....families by blood, by obligation,by neccesity,by desire...and sometimes, if one is very lucky , by love. It is a worh that implies solidarity, a rock-solid foundation, a place to go home grow out grow away from and yet to remember and hang onto.....the echoes never leaving ones's ears or ones heart, the memoris carved like painted ivory, from a single task, delicately colored in brilliant hues, and softer ones, faded sometimes. So dim as to be almost forgotten.....and yet never to be totally forgotten or left behind. The place where one begins and hopes to end...the thing one works to build on ones own...the pieces like building blocks reaching high into the images that conjures...the memories..what dreams.

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